Don't let me forget
Don't let me forget
The sounds of your voice
I worry sometimes
That I will.
Please let me hear it again
And store it away
To keep my memory
Strong and still.
Don't let me forgot
Our last embace
I hope that I
Held you tight
But I worry
It wasn't much of a hug
But rather just a
Standard "goodnight"
Help me to remember
the smell of your skin
Fresh from a
Morning shower
Once more, let me
Capture a breath of
Warm air and
Scent of fresh powder
When you come sometimes
As I sleep
And sometimes
As I stroll
Come long enough
For me to see
The details that
Time stole
Come walk with me
Come talk with me
Come be with me
Come let me see
And feel and smell
Again and forever
All that I now have
As only memory.
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